
Week Recap

Friday, October 22, 2010

We're back again with just a few more pictures and a peek into our week.

My parents were given a battery operated Jeep and car.  Did they score the hand-me-downs of the century or what?  The car isn't working, so we're going to try a new battery, but they had a blast in the Jeep.  
Paytay taking his sister for a cruise (very touch and go). 

Evelette was a riot!  She jumped in and knew what to do right away (her foot barely reaching the gas).  I love this girl!
Is it really the end of October or still summer?
Girls and their trucks!
Big cousin Olivia taking her sweet cousin for a ride.
The garden is coming to an end.  I love these beautiful peas (a second planting), although it doesn't look like they will get to produce.
We picked some of our pumpkins.
And I dug a bunch of carrots.  Last year we used our food processor to slice up carrots and froze them.  They were yummy in soups, etc.  They cook down nicely and are a healthy, cheap filler.
My Nanny has a cool trick that I love.  She has a 'soup bag' in her freezer where she adds leftover chopped  onion, carrots, celery, spinach,(you get the idea).  I hate to waste, so I love doing this!

I am definitely starting to slow down.  I'm ready to hold my little one and just enjoy her.
I've been hungry too!
 Ahem.  I stopped to pick up a gallon of milk on the way home from Moms and Tots last week, and walked away with a Cinnabon.  The box read, "Life Needs Frosting".  I couldn't agree more.  I consumed the warm, gooey deliciousness before lunch.  Geesh!  They are quite tasty, but not cheap, so I made some of our own this week.
I also made these this week.
.  On my "want" list for Julia was some new burp cloths, but I decided to try to update a few of Olivia's with some fabric scraps.  I'd like to try some more with different vintage fabrics (if I'm not too tired that is- he, he).
Happy Friday and weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Oh the hot wheel's pics turned out so cute!!! And those burp cloths are amazing! You didn't even tell me about them, I feel so out of the loop! lol
    I will def need you to make me some of those next go round!

    Love you Rach!


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