
Pictures of the week, Video & Merry Christmas!

Friday, December 23, 2011

Last week my Dad was telling me about the first time his Grandpa ate a banana. Apparently, he had always wanted to try one, and when he finally ate his first one, he ate it, peel and all, and was understandably not very impressed! He, he!  We have so much to be grateful for. We are blessed with so much. I can get a banana just about any day of the week.:) I am reminded of our many blessings this Christmas and always!

The little nuts are not getting an exorbitant amount of gifts, but a few thoughtful ones that I am jittery-excited about! They are gonna freak!:)
We are so thankful for our baby Bright
first piggies {barely!} for church on Sunday
Christmas shopping with Mama at the local toy store.

Filberts roasted on our wood stove... a favorite snack right now

I am touched and thankful for the love and care Olivia shows for her babies.
Important discovery this week... I put orange zest in the white chocolate for the biscotti {like the bliss bars} and I wouldn't have thought it possible, but the biscotti are even more delicious!
Table set for Christmas morning... we do what we can to feel prepared!

Thank you, Melissa K., for sending this photo of SweetP at the microphone... he really did have a solo..his voice is so sweet!
He and his sister were doing some spontaneous Christmas singing one night for David and I, and Uncle Richard put the videos together for me. Thank you, Richard!
Jingle Bless x 100!:)

I know the pictures/post is pretty random, but we wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas one last time!
"The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up his countenancec upon you and give you peace." Numbers 6:24-36

1 comment:

  1. Soooo precious!!! My favorite part was every time Olivia sang "laughing all the way..." she really laughed!!! Your kids are sweet! What precious memories.


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