
New Book Spot

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

I have always loved my sister's retro suitcase and was surprised to find she was selling it at the garage sale we had a few weeks back! As it turns out, we ended up buying some of each other's stuff, and re purposing it as seen here and here. I guess you could say we used the lulls during the sale to get inspired! Can you believe it took me until the second day of the sale to lay down my dollar for it? I already have a few shades of blue in my living room, so it fits in really well, and provides a sweet spot for some of my favorite books! The garage sale was a LOT of work, but we came away with some cool finds, less junk, and money to spend!:)

I can't wait for the next sale girls... NOT!!! :)


  1. Love how it turned out! I am glad that you gave it a good home! Love you!

  2. I was wondering where you would incorporate it into your home. It looks really cute! I can't wait to see the other score.... will you be posting about it? :)


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