
Our Week

Saturday, October 9, 2010

The weather was incredible this past week; we enjoyed every minute of it!  

My little girl? after a wedding last weekend
It was time to put up corn, and we got a start on it, but have much to do. 
I took a bit of a break from canning this week to work more hours for the farm (after all, I've got to work as many hours as possible before my maternity leave- ha, ha!).
One of our containers of pretty corn
More fun than harvesting the corn was taking the waste to the horses.
Peyton is trying to entice the horses to come down from the barn.
O talking girl talk with Mama while we waited.
We went to the upper pasture with treats in tow after unsuccessfully getting them to come to us.

P wanted to see what all the big fuss was about.
"You can have them, Jock"

We have seen an abundance of caterpillars on our walks lately.  Olivia brought one home as a friend. 
She named her Sweet.

She also brought home this souvenir from making firewood with Daddy.  She carefully placed it on her desk and it has been holding a vase of flowers she picked.  Isn't it remarkable how children take pleasure in "helping" us?... more about that on Wednesday.

I hope you have a lovely weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Wow that first pic looks like it was from a catalog! Your kids are simply the cutest!!! I totally chuckled about Peytons expressions and your naration!!

    Love you!



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